What is the cause for the degradation of environment?
Capitalism, corruption, consuming society? - OVERPOPULATION!
Please, save the Planet - kill yourself...
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Methodology for Assessment of Environmental Risk Caused by Fires at Illegal Dumps
It's actually already two month old news, but my research "Developement of the Universal Methodology for Assessement of Environmental Risk Caused by Fires at Illegal Dumps" (download in RUSSIAN), that was made special for Fire Monitoring Challenge (by GIS-Lab, Microsoft, NEXTGIS, several universities and GIS/spatial data corporations), was awarded the 2-nd pace. The prize consisted of the fancy diploma, Lenovo IdeaPad G560 (thanks to all the gods it became much less uglier when I've installed openSUSE at it and applied an OSM sticker ;-), a wireless mouse (my wife was happy to grab it) and a nice book on remote sensing for children.
Instead of abstract:
Developed methodology for assessment of the fire probability in dependence of spatial location and actual area of illegal dump. It is applicable for any part of the world. Software used: QGIS, R.
Instead of abstract:
Developed methodology for assessment of the fire probability in dependence of spatial location and actual area of illegal dump. It is applicable for any part of the world. Software used: QGIS, R.
![]() |
Spatial component of the probability of the fire at illegal dump in Leningrad region, Russia |
I was lucky to present this research at two conferences and today I've received a printed "minor" publication of the article (it is beta-version of the paper available at the link above). So it is possible now to cite it as:
Yury V. Ryabov (2011) Razrabotka univercal'noy metodiki rascheta veroyatnosti vozniknovenia pozhara na nesankcionirovennoy svalke // Sbornik nauchnih trudov molodyh specialistov, prepodavateley i aspirantov po resultatam provedenia Tret'ego molodezрnogo ecologichescogo congressa "Severnaya palmira", 21-22 noyabria 2011, Sankt-Peterburg. - SPb NICEB RAN - pp. 93-106.
To Do: develope formula for composition coefficient calculation; translation to English; major publication.
P.S. If you are interested in this research and do not speak Russian don't hesitate to contact me and ask for general translation.
P.S. If you are interested in this research and do not speak Russian don't hesitate to contact me and ask for general translation.
environmental risk
illegal dumps and landfills
spatial data
sustainable development
Friday, January 13, 2012
OrbView-3: offline imagery catalogue available
OrbView-3 high resolution imagery became available as a public domain recently. One can access it via USGS's EarthExplorer.
GIS-Lab decided to make a shp-file catalogue for the available imagery to have quick access to the metadata and coverage. You can download it here.
OrbView-3 coverage |
PS. I'm glad I was able to help a bit with that.
spatial data
Thursday, January 5, 2012
QGIS: visualisation of the directions of the roads
I was asked about the possibility to visualise directions of the roads in QGIS. Actually it is quite simple assuming that your data is topologically adequate. That means that the directions of the poly-lines representing one-way roads are the same to corresponding roads directions.
So you need a right layer with a field named like "ONE_WAY" with "yes"/"no" values. Then just check Categorised symbol in New Symbology and classify the layer using "ONE_WAY" field. Obviously you will have 2 categories: one-way and both directions.
For a one-way road create a style lake at the picture below:
![]() |
Style example for a one-way road |
The direction of the line in "Symbol Properties" is from left to the right, i.e. -->. In this stile I used two layers: a simple line and a marker line. An arrow marker is already present in your QGIS installation so you don't need to add anything. Such stile will represent the direction of the one-way roads. Now you only need to assign a stile for the roads wit both directions. For example the same simple line but without marker layer.
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