What I love about QGIS is that one is able to create a nice map quickly. The other day I was asked to make a situation map for the project we are working on to include it into presentation. Аll I had was a laptop with no relevant spatial data at all, but with QGIS installed (I even had no mouse to draw something). Though it was more than enough: I loaded OSM as a base layer and used annotation tool to add more sense to it. Voilà:
What is the cause for the degradation of environment?
Capitalism, corruption, consuming society? - OVERPOPULATION!
Please, save the Planet - kill yourself...
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Thursday, June 11, 2015
How to Import Layer into PostGIS Database Using PyQGIS
This is strange, but I was unable to find instruction about importing QGIS layers into PostGIS database with PyQGIS API. The PyQGIS cookbook has the example of exporting layers as .shp-files via QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat() function and says that the other other OGR-supported formats are available to use in this function as well. PostGIS is supported by OGR so people got confused and try to use this function to import data to the PostGIS with no success and have to write generic import functions.
After of couple of hours of searching the internet for the solution I gave up and decided to find the answer the hard way: started to search through the source code for the DB Manager plugin that has this nice "import layer" feature. It took about 20 minuets to trace down the function that was in charge of the import and it was QgsVectorLayerImport.importLayer(). But the quest wasn't over yet! The documentation says nothing about provider names that are accepted by this function. "PostgreSQL" would be the obvious name for the provider as it is the name for the PostgeSQL provider in OGR, but it is not the case. I had to go through the source code of DB Manager again and luckily in comments (and there are quite a few of them in DB Manager: I didn't find a single doc-string there) the author wrote that it is "postgres" for the PostgreSQL. UPD: the function to list available providers is QgsProviderRegistry.instance().providerList().
Now here is the very basic example code of importing QGIS layer into PostGIS:
uri = "dbname='test' host=localhost port=5432 user='user' password='password' key=gid type=POINT table=\"public\".\"test\" (geom) sql=" crs = None # layer - QGIS vector layer error = QgsVectorLayerImport.importLayer(layer, uri, "postgres", crs, False, False) if error[0] != 0: iface.messageBar().pushMessage(u'Error', error[1], QgsMessageBar.CRITICAL, 5)
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